1. Access Calendar Settings and Enable Equipments:
- Go to your account and navigate to Calendars > Calendar Settings.
- Under Preferences > In App Preferences, toggle on Rooms and Equipments.
2. Create an Equipment:
- Once you've enabled the feature, a new 'Equipments' tab will appear.
- Under the 'Equipment' tab > Click on Create Equipment.
3. Provide Equipment Details:
- To set up equipment, enter the following details:
- Equipment Name: Assign a unique name to the equipment.
- Description: Provide a brief description to clarify the equipment's purpose.
- Total Quantity: Specify the total number of available equipment units.
- Out of Service Quantity: Enter the count of equipment units that are currently non-functional, require repair, or are out of service.
- Select Calendar: Choose the calendars you wish to associate with this equipment.
Note: Each calendar is limited to linking with a single piece of equipment. Consider a 'Laser Machine', which may be linked to numerous calendars, yet each calendar is exclusively associated with only one piece of equipment, such as the 'Laser Machine'.
Additional Information
1. Rooms and Equipment Details:
- Find your rooms and equipment details within the appointment modal - details view.
- This ensures you can now easily identify which room has been assigned to a particular appointment and which equipment is being used or has been booked in conjunction with the appointment.
- This feature simplifies the management of appointments, making it more informative and streamlined.