Understanding One-Time Links
A singular scheduling link, known as a one-time link, possesses a distinct quality of self-expiration upon its usage for booking. By employing the 'Generate One-Time Booking Link' feature, users can seamlessly integrate the creation of such links into their workflow with ease.
Key Benefits of Integrating One-Time Links into Your Workflow
Effortless Scheduling: Say goodbye to the laborious task of creating links manually. Our streamlined approach ensures scheduling is smooth and error-free every time.
Adaptable Workflow Integration: Seamlessly integrates into a variety of workflows, catering to unique needs and becoming an essential tool for diverse scheduling situations.
Improved Booking Control: Revolutionize your booking management with our dynamic and flexible system, empowering users with enhanced control and adaptability.
How to Generate Dynamic One-Time Links
To generate dynamic One-Time Links within your workflow, follow these simple steps:
1. Create a Workflow: Start by creating a workflow in your account. Define the trigger that initiates the workflow based on your specific needs.

2. Add the 'Generate One-Time Booking Link' Action: Within your workflow, add an action. Navigate to the 'Appointments' category and select 'Generate One Time Booking Link.'

3. Choose the calendar for which you want to generate the one-time link.

4. Share the Generated Link: To share the link with your contact, add a communication action (e.g., email) to your workflow.

5. Add the Custom Value: Insert the unique one-time link that will get generated each time a trigger is activated, into the email body using a custom value. Select 'Generate One Time Booking Link' and choose 'One Time Link.'

6. Customize Email Body: Customize the email body as needed and click 'Save.'
7. Publish Workflow: Once your workflow is set up, publish it. Now, each time a contact enters the workflow triggered by your defined condition, a unique one-time link will be generated and sent to them via email.