At present, coupons are limited to single purchases of main and bump products within V2 Funnels. Subscription coupons will be introduced in future updates. Coupon codes cannot be used for one-click upsells.
Coupons are highly effective in driving sales! This article will provide a comprehensive overview of coupon fundamentals, empowering you to maximize your potential.
Creating and Incorporating Coupons into Products
Navigate to the Payments section and locate the Coupons tab. From there, proceed to click on the option labelled "+ Create Coupon."
After accessing the + Create Coupon option, please provide the required details in the designated fields. Once you have completed filling in the necessary information, click the Create button to generate the coupon.
Return to the Steps section. Once you are on the Steps page, locate the + Add product option and click on it. Fill in the required information for the product in the provided fields. Once you have entered all the necessary details, click the Save button to save the product information.
To revisit the Steps section and make changes to the funnel using the builder, please click on the relevant navigation or back button. Once you are back on the Steps page, locate and select the option to edit the funnel using the builder.
To locate the section where the form is in the builder, please look for the appropriate element or step representing the form. Once you have identified the form section, click on it to select it.
After selecting the form section, you should see various options and settings. Look for the Advanced button and click on it.
Once you access the advanced settings, scroll down until you find the Coupon options. Within the Coupon options, you should see an option to Enable Coupon codes or something similar. Toggle this option to enable coupon codes for the form.
Please take note of the following information regarding coupon codes:
- Coupon codes are not case-sensitive, meaning uppercase and lowercase letters are treated differently. We will convert all coupon codes into uppercase for consistency.
- When creating coupon codes, please avoid using spaces and special characters as they are not supported formats.
- End customers can redeem a coupon code, providing a 100% discount on the cart value. However, they will still be required to enter their card details. In subsequent steps, this is necessary to save their credit card information for potential upsells.
- It's important to note that only Stripe can be used to provide a 100% discount on order amounts. This functionality will not work with PayPal. In cases where both Stripe and PayPal are available, the PayPal option will be hidden.
- During the $0 checkout process, a small text stating "Card details will be used for verification purposes" will appear beside the card element to inform customers about the purpose of collecting their card information.
What is a Coupon?
A coupon is a promotional offer a business or organization provides that allows you to obtain a discount on a purchase in exchange for payment. It is a means of receiving a reduced price or special deal when buying a particular item or service.
The supported types of coupons are as follows:
- Percentage Coupon: This type of coupon offers a discount based on a percentage of the order value. For example, if a 20% coupon is applied to an order worth $100, the customer will receive a discount of $20.
- Fixed Coupon: This type of coupon offers a fixed discount amount, regardless of the order value. For instance, if a fixed coupon of $10 is applied, the customer will receive a discount of $10, regardless of whether the order value is $50 or $200.
These two types of coupons provide different ways to offer discounts to customers, either based on a percentage of the order value or a fixed amount.
Capturing coupon transactions
To access the customer's transaction details, please follow these steps:
- Go to the Payments section.
- Navigate to the Transactions tab.
- Locate the specific customer whose transaction you want to view.
- Click on the three-dotted button.
- Select View Transaction to access the detailed information related to the customer's transaction.
Please take note of the following information regarding the application and distribution of coupon discounts:
- Coupon Application Details: When a coupon is applied to an order, the order details will include a separate line item specifying the coupon applied and the individual products.
- Discount per Product: The discount amount mentioned alongside each product will represent the discount value applied to that product.
- Distribution of Discount: The distribution of the discount will vary based on the type of discount applied:
a. Cart Level Discounts: If the discount is applied at the cart level, the discount amount will be distributed across all the products in the cart, considering the weights of the product values. This distribution will occur only once.
b. Product-Specific Discounts: In the case of discounts tied to specific products, the discount will be applicable based on the sum of the values of those particular items. The distribution of the discount will also be based on the weights of the product values, but again, this will occur only once for the relevant products.
Please consider these considerations when reviewing the order details and the distribution of coupon discounts.
Do coupons apply to all products?
Coupons are not applicable to all products, as they are limited to one-time products only.
What are the different types of coupons I can create?
There are two types of coupons available:
- Percentage discount: These coupons offer a discount based on a percentage of the order value. The discount amount varies depending on the total value of the order.
- Fixed discount: These coupons provide a specific fixed discount amount, regardless of the order value. The discount remains the same regardless of the total cost of the order.
Are coupon codes unique?
Indeed, coupon codes are unique, and it is not possible to create two coupons with the same coupon code. Each coupon code is distinct and serves as an exclusive identifier for a particular coupon.
What are the rules for creating a coupon code?
Coupon codes are 7-character alphanumeric codes that are not case-sensitive and can only contain letters and numbers. They can be generated automatically using the provided functionality.
What is the coupon name? Is it unique?
Coupon names serve as internal references and help in relating to specific coupons. Coupon names don't need to be unique for every coupon, but it is strongly recommended to use unique coupon names to ensure proper identification and organization.
What is meant by limiting the total number of times a coupon code can be redeemed?
By utilizing this feature, you can limit the number of successful redemptions allowed for a specific coupon code. This limit is based on the overall number of successful redemptions, regardless of the number of users who redeem the coupon code. It controls the maximum number of times a coupon can be successfully used, ensuring it is not exceeded.
What is meant by limiting to selected products?
This feature allows you to limit coupon usage to selected products only. For instance, if you restrict a coupon to product A, it can only be applied to purchases of product A and not other items in the inventory.
What is the redemption count shown in the list view?
This indicates the cumulative count of successful redemptions for the coupon code up to the current date.
Will the coupons text box start appearing automatically in order forms?
If you have generated a valid coupon code eligible for use on an order form, the coupon text box will be visible on the order form for customers to enter the code. However, if no coupons can be applied to a particular order form, the coupon application text box will not be displayed on that specific form.
I want to avoid showing the Apply coupon text box on my order form. How do I do that?
To deactivate the option for coupon code usage on a specific order form, you can locate and disable the "Enable coupon codes" toggle within the builder interface. By turning off this toggle, customers can no longer input coupon codes on that particular order form.
How to see the orders in which the coupon code has been applied?
Clicking Actions and selecting View History will redirect you to the orders page, where you can view only the specific orders where the coupon code was successfully applied.
Status vs Actions for coupons:
Actions vs Status | Active | Scheduled | Expired |
Edit | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Delete | Yes | Yes | Yes |
View History | Yes | No | Yes |
Where are the coupon application details available?
If a coupon code was successfully applied to an order, the order details would include the coupon code and the discount offered per item for each product line item. This allows you to see the specific coupon code used and the corresponding discount applied to each product in the order.
I want to set up a free product(s) is this supported?
Indeed, purchasers can redeem a 100% OFF coupon code, which allows them to obtain the product or service at no cost. However, even with a 100% discount, they may still be prompted to enter their card details during checkout. This is typically done to collect and save credit card information for potential upsells or down sells in subsequent steps of the purchasing process.
Please note that the ability to provide a 100% discount on order amounts is supported only with Stripe as the payment gateway. This functionality may not be available when using PayPal as the payment method. In situations where both Stripe and PayPal are available as payment options, the PayPal option will be hidden.
When checking out with a cart total of $0, the text "Card details will be used for verification purposes" is displayed alongside the card entry element. This message informs customers that even though the checkout is free, their card information is still required for verification purposes.