Cart Mode enables customers to choose multiple quantities of items from your order form, allowing them to add products to a virtual shopping cart before proceeding to enter their credit card details for finalizing the purchase.
What are the recent updates to the order form?
- Customers can now purchase multiple quantities of any item in a single order.
- Buying multiple items from a single order form is now possible, including selecting various quantities in a single order (Cart Mode).
- The product descriptions can be toggled on or off directly from the funnel builder.
- The order form can be switched between allowing multiple-item purchases or limiting it to single-item purchases, offering a multi-product select option.
- The maximum quantity per order can be set between 1-10, providing the flexibility to limit the quantity per order on the funnel product page.
Setting up Product and Price Descriptions: A Step-by-Step Guide
Navigate to the Payments tab, select Products, and click the "+ Create Product" button.
Access the Sites section, choose Funnels, select the desired funnel, go to the Product page, and click the "+ Add Product" button.
To enable product descriptions in the main section of the order form, follow these steps:
- Go to the Edit Page section of your website.
- Locate and click on the Order form element.
- Access the Advanced Settings for the Order form.
- Within the Advanced Settings, find the option for Main Product Descriptions.
- Toggle the switch to turn on the product description feature.
To offer multiple items for sale, follow these steps:
- Access the funnel builder.
- Add an 'Order Form' element to your funnel.
- Click on the 'Order Form' element to highlight it (displayed as an orange box).
- Select the Advanced tab in the menu settings on the left side.
- Scroll down to the Main Product Options section.
- Enable the Cart Mode option to allow customers to purchase multiple products in a single order.
Below is an example of an order form that has Cart Mode and Product Description enabled:
To disable product descriptions for subscription products, follow these steps:
- Access the funnel builder.
- Click on the Order Form element to highlight it (indicated by an orange box).
- Click on the Advanced tab in the menu settings on the left side.
- Scroll down to the Main Product Options section.
- Disable the Product Description option to turn off the product description specifically for subscription products. Please note that one-time products do not have a product description.
By following these steps, you can easily disable the product descriptions for your subscription products in the order form.
Here is an example of an order form with Cart Mode and Product Description disabled:
Selling Multiple Quantities of Items: A Step-by-Step Guide
Go to Sites > Funnels > Products > + Add Product > Additional Options > Allow multiple quantity to be purchased > Save
To enable the sale of multiple quantities of items, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Sites section.
- Select Funnels from the menu.
- Go to the Products page.
- Click on the "+ Add Product" button.
- In the Additional Options section, locate the option to "Allow multiple quantities to be purchased."
- Enable this option.
- Save your changes.
Following these steps, you can configure your order form to allow customers to purchase multiple items.
Please be aware that you can either create a new product and enable multiple quantities or modify an existing product to allow for various quantities. The choice is yours, depending on your specific needs and preferences.
Adding or Editing a Product to Support Multiple Quantities: Step-by-Step Guide
To access the products associated with a specific funnel step that includes an order form, follow these steps:
- Locate and click on the specific funnel step in your funnel builder where the order form is present.
- Within that funnel step, look for the Products tab.
- Click on the Products tab to access and manage the products associated with that particular order form.
To enable multiple quantities for a product, simply click Edit and enable the feature.
To enable customers to purchase multiple quantities, expand the additional options and toggle the Allow multiple quantities to be purchased setting to the ON position.
Once turned on, the Maximum units per order can be set to 10. Click Save.
The chosen quantity will be displayed in the order form user interface within the funnel.
In funnel statistics:
At the funnel step level:
The total number of products purchased in this funnel step is displayed as Quantity.
At the product level:
The total number of specific products purchased in that funnel step is displayed as Quantity when viewing the stats for that product.
Average Cart Value:
The average value of all orders placed within this funnel is calculated by dividing the total amount by the total number of orders.
Can I sell multiple quantities of bump products?
No, currently, selling multiple quantities of bump products is not supported.
Does PayPal support multiple quantities?
PayPal does not support multiple quantities for recurring payment items. However, PayPal does support multiple quantities for single payment items and single-quantity recurring payment items.
What changes are made to the Order Confirmation page?
The Order Confirmation page now includes a quantity column. The quantity will be 1 for existing products and order forms until multiple quantities are enabled.
What updates have been made to the Order Summary?
The Order Summary will show the quantities column for the selected items.
How do the changes impact the Orders and Transactions tabs in Payments?
The Orders tab will display the main product, bump product, and upsell (if any) as separate orders, each with their respective quantities. The Transactions tab will reflect these changes accordingly.
When viewing the details of any order, you will also find information about the quantity of items purchased.