We have some crucial news regarding your established Sole Proprietor Brands that we want to make sure you're fully informed about. If you've crafted one or more Sole Proprietor Brands before October 4, 2022, and haven't yet gone through the One Time Password (OTP) verification process, you must take action to prevent any potential interruptions. Stay tuned as we outline the necessary steps to keep your business ventures running smoothly.
What You Need to Know:
Ensuring the longevity of your established sole proprietor brands requires a simple yet crucial step: verifying your identity and updating your information. By adding a mobile phone number linked to your business location along with your brand name, you secure your legacy for years to come. Don't delay - make these updates by July 5, 2023, and safeguard the essence of your entrepreneurial journey.
Verification Process:
After including your mobile phone number in your Brand profile, you'll promptly get a One-Time Password (OTP) verification code via SMS. Within the next day, simply respond with 'YES' to validate your registration and elevate your Brand to Verified status. It's imperative to finalize this procedure before July 5, 2023, to avoid further filtering measures. From August 31, 2023, onwards, any Sole Proprietor Brands not verified and their related Campaigns will be purged, and communication channels linked to those brands will be restricted.
Extended Deadline:
Beforehand, the deadline for Brand OTP verification was set for June 1, 2023. However, we're now extending this deadline to July 5, 2023. This extension offers you additional time to finalize OTP verification for your Sole Proprietor Brands established before October 4, 2022.
Reason for Verification:
The U.S. telecommunications industry requires mobile number verification for Sole Proprietors to combat brand registration abuse.
What You Need to Do:
By July 5, 2023, complete the OTP verification process for your existing Sole Proprietor Brands.
Consequences of Inaction:
Failure to complete the OTP verification by July 5, 2023, will result in increased filtering of message traffic sent under unverified brands. After August 31, 2023, unverified existing Sole Proprietor Brands, along with their associated Campaigns, will be unregistered and removed.
In such cases, you'll need to restart the registration process for these Brands and Campaigns, incurring associated costs. The following fees apply for Sole Proprietor brands:
- One-time Sole Proprietor Brand registration fee: $4 (exempt for previously converted Starter Brands)
- One-time Campaign vetting fee: $15 (existing Campaigns exempt for now)
Monthly Sole Proprietor Campaign fees: $2 (applicable to existing and new Campaigns)
We urge you to take prompt action and complete the OTP verification process for your Sole Proprietor Brands to avoid any disruptions or additional costs. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.