- You have already acquired a number in your subaccount following the instructions in the LC Phone Guide.
- You have prepared pre-recorded audio files in the format of mp3 or wav with a bitrate of 64kbps.
To configure automated calls and voicemail drops in Workflow, follow these steps:
- Access your subaccount and navigate to the left menu.
- Click on "Automation" to access the automation settings.
Click on the "Start from scratch" option and then select "Create a new workflow" to begin creating a new workflow.
Once you have configured the workflow trigger, you can proceed by clicking on "Add your first Action."
If you want the calls to go to the assigned user's phone number, click on "Assign to User." The calls will route if no one is assigned based on the Inbound Call Routing settings.
Click "Call," then add a "Voicemail" action.
By default, the call whisper message will inform the recipient that they have a new lead, such as "You have a new lead, John Smith. Press any button to connect." You have the option to modify this message according to your preference.
Voicemail detection
If the person in charge cannot answer the phone, you will receive a message saying, "Failed to establish a connection with the person," and the call will be terminated. In such cases, it is not possible to leave a customized voicemail.
To leave a personalized voicemail using our Call feature, access the call step settings and enable the option "Disable Voicemail Detection."
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q: I'm having issues with my voicemail file.
A: If your voicemail file is not functioning properly, you have several options to resolve the problem. First, you can visit and upload the voicemail file there. Alternatively, you can create a new file using the online voice recorder at
Q: What format should I choose for the voicemail file?
A: Selecting the 64kbps MP3 format for the voicemail file is recommended. Choosing a lower bitrate is generally better for optimal results.
Q: How do I upload the converted voicemail file to the voicemail campaign or workflow?
A: After converting the voicemail file, you can upload it to your campaign or workflow.