Preventing Users from Scheduling Appointments in Different Time Zones than the Businesses:
Preventing Appointment Booking in Different Time Zones for Clients Near Time Zone Borders or Popular Tourist Towns.
To prohibit individuals from booking appointments in their respective time zones, please navigate to the following location:
To implement the restriction, follow these steps:
- Go to the Settings menu.
- Choose the Business Profile tab.
- Scroll down until you can activate the Disable Contact Time Zone checkbox.
- Check the box to enable the feature and prevent individuals from booking appointments in their time zones.
Enabling the Disable Contact Time Zone option, the time zone dropdown selector will no longer be visible in the calendar widget. Consequently, all appointments will be scheduled based on the time zone specified in the location settings.
To view the currently set time zone for the location, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Business Profile section.
- Locate the Time Zone field to determine the configured time zone.
The provided screenshot illustrates the appearance of the calendar widget after enabling the Disable Contact Time Zone checkbox.
The included screenshot displays the default calendar widget with the timezone preference visible.