To record your voicemail, you can use an online tool to record an MP3 file. Here's how:
- Search for "Google Record MP3 online" in your preferred search engine.
- Choose one of the websites that offer online voice recording capabilities.
- Access the selected website and follow the instructions to record your voicemail online.
To upload voicemail files (in MP3 format), you have two options:
- Voicemail for Users:
- Access the Sub-Account settings.
- Navigate to the "My Staff" tab.
- Choose the user you want to edit.
- Expand the "Call & Voicemail Settings" section.
- Look for the option to upload an MP3/WAV file and proceed with the upload.
Please note that this option is specifically for configuring voicemail settings for individual users.
To better understand how to assign Twilio numbers to users, please refer to the article.
If a contact is assigned to a specific user or the Twilio number is assigned to that user, and the user fails to answer an incoming call to the Twilio number, we will play the user's voicemail message in this scenario.
To set up voicemail for the business, follow these steps:
- Access the Sub-Account settings.
- Navigate to the "Business Profile" tab.
- Scroll down to the "Call & Voicemail Settings" section.
- Look for the option to upload an MP3/WAV file and proceed with the upload.
When a contact calls a Twilio number that is not assigned to any users and if the contact is also not assigned to any users, the voicemail message designated for the business will be played if no one answers the call.
Here's how it works:
When a contact calls the Twilio number, we will initiate a ringing process to the forwarding number for a specified duration, typically 10 seconds, based on the configured call timeout. If nobody answers the call within those 10 seconds, the contact will hear the voicemail recording.
It is important to ensure that Call Recording is enabled for this functionality to work properly.
To perform the specified action, follow these steps:
- Go to the "Reporting" section.
- Select "Call Reporting" from the options.
- Scroll horizontally to locate the desired call, and click on the arrow-down button to expand the details for each call.
Alternatively, you can click on the contact name to access the Conversation page, where you can listen to the recordings associated with that contact.
To control timeout settings and replace the original voicemail of the forwarding number, follow these steps:
- Sub Account > Settings > Team Management tab > Edit user > Call & Voicemail Settings
- Sub Account > Settings > Phone Numbers > Pencil Icon for a specific phone number
- Sub Account > Settings > Company Tab
When a call comes to a Twilio number, it will ring for 60 seconds by default before checking for a voicemail to play. However, you can set a timeout number to alter this behaviour.
- User settings of the user to whom the Twilio number is attached.
- Phone number settings for that specific number.
- Company settings.
If a timeout number is found, but no voicemail files are available, a default message will be played: "We cannot take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep."
Timeout numbers are not directly associated with a specific voicemail file. For example, if a timeout number is set in a user's settings but that user does not have a voicemail file, and a voicemail file is available in the Business Profile settings, the System will play the voicemail file from the Business Profile settings after the specified number of seconds in the timeout field in the user's settings.
Troubleshooting Company Voicemail not working
2. Check if there is any forwarding number or business phone configured. It is necessary to forward the call somewhere to trigger the drop or playback of the uploaded voicemail.
Here are two options to consider:
- Obtain a Google Voice number and set it as the forwarding number. Adjust the incoming call timeout to 1 second, resulting in a faster call drop within 2-3 rings. The call timeout should be set to at least 1 second to attempt the call connection. The objective is to drop or time out the call before the original voicemail of the forwarding number is played.
- Alternatively, assign the Twilio number to a user and utilize an Inbound Calling mobile app to receive incoming calls.
These options allow control over call forwarding and voicemail playback, ensuring a desired user experience.
3. Please ensure that the call timeout is checked and set appropriately. Consider setting the inbound call timeout to 1 second.
It is important to note that the maximum incoming call timeout should be less than 20 seconds. If the call timeout is set to be longer than 20 seconds, the original voicemail of the forwarding number will likely start playing before the uploaded voicemail can be triggered.
If the call timeout is set to 20 seconds, but the forwarding number's original voicemail continues to play instead of the uploaded voicemail, try setting it to 1 second and make a test call to see if it works. If the uploaded voicemail plays successfully, you can gradually increase the call timeout (e.g., 10 seconds, 15 seconds) to test further and ensure that the forwarding number rings longer while still allowing the uploaded voicemail to play.
4. Determine if calling the forwarding number directly leads to an immediate voicemail response.
If the forwarding number is in Do Not Disturb mode or configured to go directly to a pre-set voicemail, replacing that voicemail with your uploaded voicemail becomes challenging. This is because the forwarding number's original voicemail plays right away.
The key is to understand how quickly your voicemail will play and set the call timeout accordingly to drop the call before your voicemail answers. However, replacing the original voicemail becomes unfeasible if your voicemail answers immediately, such as during Do Not Disturb mode.
Remember that if you use a Google Voice number or a landline, they may have their call settings preventing overwriting their configured voicemail. In such cases, you might need to disable the announced feature in Google Voice or make necessary adjustments to accommodate the desired voicemail playback.
5. Verify if the uploaded voicemail file is high quality and not in MP3 format. If the file quality is high or it is in a different format, follow these instructions to make it compatible:
- Visit and upload the voicemail file.
- Convert the file to an "ECONOMY 64kbps MP3" format.
- Once converted, upload the newly converted file and make a test call to the Twilio number to check if it works correctly.