Store owners can now recommend related products directly on their product detail pages. This feature enhances the product discovery process by presenting users with suggested or similar items, which boosts opportunities for cross-selling.
How to use
- Navigate to your store Product detail in the page builder, and enable the Show related products toggle. The following attributes can be customized:
- Save and publish the page
Online store preview:
Products that are present in a common collection will be shown under related products in the product detail page of that specific product. For example:
- A product named "iPhone 15" if is added to collection "Apple" and "Summer Sale"
- All the products added in the collection "Apple" and "Summer Sale" would be displayed
- At first all the products from "Apple" collection would be present and then products from "Summer Sale" would be displayed provided that they are within the available limits of related products set by the user which is at maximum capped to 10
- The images on the product list page are now constrained to a 1:1 aspect ratio. This adjustment ensures that all images fit this size, enhancing UI coherence and consistency across the entire range of products.